Saturday, July 4, 2009


It is not often that I am caught up by puppy, but this time I couldn't help myself. A couple of weeks back, outside my grandmother's house, I was just lazing with my family. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a streak of black. As it edged cautiously nearer to me, I couldn't help myself but I got onto my knees and started looking closer at the puppy. Without a trace of hesitation, it quickly walked to me. Disregarding all thoughts of hygiene, I started stroking the dog. Within moments, a mystical bond between man and dog formed....
Here are some pictures of it:

Somehow, That poor little thingy was so curious about my hand, feet, sandals, etc...

See what I mean?? It just didn't stop licking me..

I couldn't focus the phone camera properly... It was just too active

Hunter pose...

Anyway, after a while, we had to go in for dinner. Sadly, we had to leave the dog outside. First, it started gnawing at my grandmother's gate, then it started whining and yelping.... Sighs... What a pitiful creature. It tore my heart to see it so sad, but, after five minutes, it went off to get another victim...

I feel so melancholic when I remember that dog......

1 comment:

Rayne said...

Awww.... it's adorable! You're so evil... should have kept it as a pet.... :D