Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First blog post in... not sure how long..... I think 3 months++

Yeap... this is my first blog post in a LOOOONG time... I writing this because I'm feeling lame. It is virtually impossible for me NOT to think about a lame joke whenever I see something normal. (ie, if I see a chicken, I say,"why did the chicken cross the road?"
Also, I'm under a weird spell... I talk in my sleep and HEAR it!!!!
I'm getting weirder and weirder, curiouser and curiouser......
Now, I shall walk away.
*Walks away*
No, wait, I'm feeling lame, so I shall hobble away...
*hobbles away*


Rayne said...

Whoa... poor you man. Hope you survive around you friends with all your lameness tagging behind you. Lol... you don't seem very lame to me...

Spottee (Now known as May)

Rayne said...

But you have to admit, the talking in your sleep and hearing it is freaky...

Brian Tan said...

You probably said something when you were awake and only thought that you were sleeping. THAT'S why you could hear yourself. =D