Sunday, June 14, 2009

My trip in the Center of the (Klang) Valley and back

After reading the title, you'd think I went for some nature trip or something.... BUT, does nature have AIRCON???
Truth is, I was invited to Mid Valley by Chloe last Friday. I went to watch "Night in the Museum 2". Unfortunately, I made a mistake and went there VERY EARLY. But, as a result of that, I got to read one short story by Fredrick Forsynth ( the Veteran) and, I got to try the SUREFIRE 6P.
For all non torch fanatics, Surefire is an American torch brand that builds GREAT torchlights. But, there is only one problem, Its VERY expensive. (mimimum price: RM250)
ANYWAYS... I met up with Chloe, Suwen, Lynn, Joey, Kye Chin, and.... JARETT!!!!!!
They just finished watching Hannah Montana 3. And, I found out something about Jarett. He is Sensitive. According to him, he nearly cried. (maybe that is why all girls like him, he is sensitive). After that, we waited for Tim Sim to arrive. Then, THE MOVIE.
After the movie, I followed them on a walk. It was a walk of purpose. It was a walk to find FOOD!!!
After a (small) lunch, we lepaked for awhile in Food Garden. After that, we walked around. Unlike the previoius walk, this was a walk without ANY purpose whatsoever. Its only purpose (to me) was to watch Suwen run into EACH AND EVERY clothing shop, and getting DRAGGED OUT by Tim and Chloe.... lol. After that, they went into a CD shop. Tim was looking at the "Group" section. I was looking at the "Jazz" section. Lynn, Suwen, Joey, and Kye Chin were looking at "EVERYTHING". Jarett was caught up in the " International Female" section, and Chloe was caught up in the "International Male" section... ACHEM...
After that (and a lot of random walking), we left Mid Valley. The journey back was quite normal for everyone else BUT ME. Why?? I had a purpose. I had painstakingly plotted this move for a long time. I was going to get a HAIRCUT!
Actually, that haircut was LONG overdue. My parents kept asking me to get a 'cut, but I kept refusing. I kept refusing because I wanted to get my haircut without them knowing. So, on the journey back, I asked Un. Jerry to drop me at a Indian barber near my house. My plan was to get my haircut and walk home. However, the second part was impossible. It was impossible because it started STORMING. So, I was forced to ask my dad to pick me up. What an ANTICLIMAX!!!!!!!!

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